Dazed (The Deliverance Series Book 1) Read online

Page 8

  “So, there’s this party tonight.”

  And there goes my good mood.

  I’ve had my last shift at Andersons until after Thanksgiving break. Mrs. Edwards mistakenly believes I have a family to visit, so she always makes sure I don’t work over the school holidays. The week is stretching before me, and I have no doubt Morgan will be picked up by Max tomorrow, then she won’t be back until the weekend. Still, tonight we party, yay—I can almost taste my sarcasm.

  Tuesday night isn’t an altogether unusual night for partying. I’ve learned that here on campus almost any night can be a party night, but I have this feeling that as it’s the last night before the break it’s going to be a big one, and all I feel like doing is groaning with annoyance then getting my jammies on and ordering a pizza.

  Fuck You by Lily Allen—my current ringtone of choice—starts playing on my cell, and I grab it seeing Caden’s photo on my screen. He’s making a stupid face, and I realize he must have added it without me knowing. I grin as I look at his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth, then quickly answer.

  “Speak,” I say and bite the inside of my mouth to stop the laugh that’s trying to break free.

  “Damn, we need to work on your people skills, like quick,” Caden answers, and I allow the laugh to escape now.

  “What’s up, light of my life?” I ask.

  “Yeah, you almost said that without sarcasm. You’re getting better, Button,” Caden replies chucking.


  “Do you want me to swing by and pick you and Morgan up tonight?”

  “Caden, I’m not the most knowledgeable on this whole dating thing, but wouldn’t it seem off if we didn’t go together?”

  “Yeah, of course, but I don’t know, women confuse me… you do like doors being held open for you… you don’t like doors being held open for you… I literally have no idea what’s the right thing to do,” he replies, and I can imagine him scratching his head with confusion as he talks to me.

  “Okay, fair point, but tell me this, as your friend, would you offer to pick me up?”

  “Of course,” he tells me.

  I shrug, even though he can’t see me. “Then come get me. Whatever we pretend to be, we’re friends first, right?”

  “Yeah, shit, sorry, Laura. I’ve been so caught up in being the boyfriend, that I’ve lost sight of being the friend.” He sighs.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just go back to being my friend, and we’ll work out the rest from there.”

  “I swear if I weren’t gay—”

  “Do not finish that sentence,” I cut him off.

  Caden laughs. “I can hear the smile in your voice, Button. You know you’d want some Caden love.”

  I snort and cut the call. Two minutes later Lily sings again but shorter this time, and I know he’s sent me a text.

  Caden: You can get away with cutting the call but only cause you’re as pretty as a peach. Ha-ha. I’ll come get you and M in a couple of hours.

  Me: Peach? WTF? You’re cruising for a bruising, Jock!

  Caden: Been watching Grease again? Don’t worry your secret is safe with me ;-)

  “Ugh.” I lay back on my bed and pull the pillow over my head, and that’s where Morgan finds me when she comes back from her bath nearly an hour later.

  “Laura, you need to get ready,” Morgan huffs snatching my pillow away, throwing it clear across the room and onto her bed. She knows I won’t go get it and now the light is in my eyes, and I want to wail. Instead, I say nothing and pull myself up to sitting, swinging my legs over the side of the bed.

  “I’ll go shower,” I grumble and ignore her narrowed eyes on me as I walk by her and out of our room.

  A little over half an hour later, I’ve showered and am now sitting at Morgan’s dressing table using her crap to tame my hair. I don’t know where she is as she wasn’t here when I got out of the shower. I finish clipping my hair up into a very high ponytail and using Morgan’s straighteners to make sure it hangs poker straight down to the middle of my back. I have been a dutiful girlfriend for Caden today and have gone for full-on makeup, figuring I have at least four days of peace and quiet ahead of me, enough time for me to chill with Netflix and keep my PJs on. I stand and peruse my wardrobe. My hand automatically moves to my comfortable jeans, but as I’m about to latch onto them, I think about Caden and the other people at our school. I consider what they’re going to expect.

  “Fuck me,” I groan grabbing a pair of black tailored shorts. “Well, I guess it’s not a dress,” I say the words out loud, trying to convince myself. I feel a stab in my chest, but I’m not willing to acknowledge the pain, or what it means. I pull on my shorts and add a black lace crop top, a pair of black heels, and some silver. “You’re looking more and more like your old self,” I say to my reflection.

  “Lauraaa,” Morgan screeches as she opens our door and sticks her head around.

  “Shit! You scared me,” I screech back.

  Morgan chuckles. “Damn you look all kinds of sexy.” She winks. “Now you’re going to tell me that’s all for your boyfriend… aren’t you?” The corner of her mouth twitches and I know she thinks she’s funny. Maybe, somewhere deep down… deep, deep down, my subconscious is egging on my small—teeny tiny—crush on Tarrant. “Anyway, enough looking at your hotness, one of the McHottie twins is downstairs in his truck.”

  “He didn’t text,” I say checking my cell.

  “No. I had to run to the store and I saw him on the way back.”

  “Oh, okay,” I answer, wondering what Morgan would have to run to the store for this late at night.

  The first five minutes of riding in Caden’s truck are awkward to say the least. Caden knows that I told Morgan, and she knows he okayed that decision, yet nobody has spoken. I can’t carry on this charade if from now on we’re resigned to feeling this stiff uncomfortableness. It was plaguing Caden and me until we worked our crap out, but now there’s a new discomfort and I need to put an end to it now.

  “Caden’s gay. Phew… now that I said it, can my two best friends not be awkward around each other anymore, pretty please?” I say smirking.

  Morgan giggles and Caden rolls his eyes.

  “Funny, Cooper,” Caden deadpans, using my last name.

  “I thought so.” I smile back.

  “You don’t look gay,” Morgan says barely containing her laughter.

  “Oh shit, did I leave my rainbow at home again?” Caden replies, and we all burst into laughter.

  I wipe my eyes. “Are we done all trying to be hilarious now?”

  Morgan nods. “Best comeback ever.” She winks at Caden.

  “It’s a Tumblr piece of gold,” he replies.

  “Oh my God, I bet you’ve been itching to use that then?” I rib him.

  Caden nods. “Yeah, it’s a real pain when nobody knows the real you.” His tone changes from happy to somber as he says that sentence, and the atmosphere becomes slightly stilted.

  Morgan leans over without looking at either of us and grabs Caden’s hand. “I’ll never tell your secret. It’s yours, and I’ll keep it as long as you want me to.” Then she releases his hand.

  “Thank you,” Caden chokes out.

  We once again sit silently for a moment until I decide to turn on the stereo. Taylor Swift blasts out of the speakers, and Morgan and I both giggle.

  “No. This is not my music. I can’t stand this shit. My mom used my truck earlier and must have put her shit in here,” Caden grumbles.

  Morgan and I turn it up and sing ‘Wildest Dreams’ for the last few minutes of the journey, much to Caden’s annoyance and our pleasure.

  “Where’s Morgan?” Caden asks from beside me.

  “Who knows?” I sigh.

  “You don’t know where she is? She could be in trouble,” he states concerned.

  “Na, she went off with Aaron. She’s good. We won’t see her again tonight,” I explain.

  “Oh, okay, so you’ve been here by your
self for the last hour?”

  I nod.

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Laura,” he says putting his arm around my shoulder and dragging me in for a hug.

  “It’s okay,” I answer looking up into his eyes. To everyone else, we look like a loving couple. “Who was that guy you were talking to?”

  He shrugs. “That’s Zeb. I was just asking if his brother was coming.” He pulls away, and we stand watching the crowd and chatting about people.

  “I like people watching with you. I’m usually on my own,” I tell him.

  He looks down at me and smiles. “You want another drink?” I nod, and he goes to where the keg is and opens a side fridge pulling out two bottled beers. I see him spot someone, and his face lights up as he gestures with his hands, his whole body has become animated. He points over to me and nods then almost jogs over. “Here you go,” he says.

  “Who’s that?” I ask nodding to the guy who is staring over here.

  “That’s Henry, Zeb’s brother.”

  “Ahhh, Henry. Go.”

  “What?” he says without tearing his eyes from the guy across the room.

  “Go. Go on, catch up with your friend. I’ll be fine here,” I say giving him a little shove.

  Caden looks down at me. “You’re sure?”

  I nod in reply.

  “You could come with?”

  And be a third wheel? I think not.

  “No, that’s okay. I saw Morgan out the back a second ago. I’m going to go find her,” I lie.

  “You sure?” He doesn’t look convinced.

  “Yes, go!” I chuckle. “Or your friends will think that you’re whipped.”

  He leans down and kisses my cheek, but it’s so close to the corner of my mouth that if anyone was watching, they would assume he was kissing his girlfriend. The smile in his eyes is gratitude personified as he strides back over to his friend.

  I sigh and slink back into the shadows watching his happiness. I pull out my cell and text Morgan.

  Me: Are you finished boning Aaron yet? I want to go home.

  I watch the screen for almost five minutes without looking up. It’s a long fucking time, and she still doesn’t text me back. I know that if I tell Caden I’m leaving he’ll go with me, but I want him to have a good time. This was never my scene, at least it hasn’t been for a long time. If I sneak out, which I’m sorely tempted to do he’ll think I’m pissed off, and when he finds out I’ve left, he’ll be worried about me getting home by myself. I swear he acts like a big brother sometimes. That thought makes me catch my breath, and I absently rub my chest. I glance around the room again but can’t see Morgan. Caden has moved into a quiet area in the corner, and he’s totally drawn into Henry.

  I move further back trying to remain inconspicuous. It looks like Caden is catching up with a buddy of his, but I know better. He’s mentioned Henry before, and I know he isn’t a passing friend. I’m pretty sure that as much as Caden hasn’t meant to, he has forgotten about me, leaving his supposed girlfriend to fend for herself.

  “You know, you’re far too pretty to be hiding in a corner.” The words are smooth pushed out by a blond haired, golden skinned, pretty boy.

  I look up to him and note that the smile he offers—one which I’m guessing is supposed to soothe me—screams of arrogance. This guy loves himself that much is obvious. My eyes flit around the room dancing on Caden before they quickly whip back to the blond jock next to me. I have no idea if he is a jock, but I’m thinking it’s a damn good assumption being that we’re at a jock house party. Quickly, I search for Caden again and watch in horror as he walks out of the house with Henry, immediately my eyes hunt for an escape.

  “You don’t talk? Works for me,” Blondie says, and my eyes snap back to him as my anger spikes inside. I’m annoyed with this guy for being so sure of himself, but I’m mostly annoyed at myself for staying here at this party when I really wanted to leave.

  “I’m with someone,” I answer, not willing to give anything else away and hoping it’s enough to get rid of my unwelcome admirer. I can see a few other girls eyeing him up like he’s some kind of prize, so I know he’ll find an interested party to balm his ego.

  “Don’t see anyone else about,” he replies, his eyes never moving from mine. “Baby, I’m here for the taking.” He holds out his arms—he’s acting all smug, with a side order of conceit.

  “No thanks,” my voice is firm, and I allow a smirk to adorn my face before turning away.

  “You don’t know what you’re missing.” There’s an edge of anger laced in his tone now—he’s obviously not used to being told no. Blondie walks around to my other side facing me once again. He brings his big hands up, placing them on my shoulders. His movement looks friendly, but I can feel his fingers gripping me, and I squirm trying to disengage his hold. He licks his bottom lip and leans toward my face. In turn, I pull my head back as much as I can, but his grip is vice-like and I can’t move. He’s no more than an inch from me now, and I can smell his stale breath—liquor taints it—and I know as he maneuvers me backward, that I don’t have any way of stopping him. He’s too strong and with no other obvious way out of the situation, I open my mouth to scream, but before I get the chance a pair of warm hands slip onto my hips. I freeze as visions of one of his friends behind makes my heart pump like it’s the last time it’s gonna get the chance.

  Quickly, I glance down and see tattoos on the hands and not just any tattoos, these are Tarrant’s hands. As I let that information seep into my consciousness, I realize his hold is soft, gentle, but the anger he’s giving off is dark and ominous. Tarrant is menacing, and I allow a long breath to escape me as my body relaxes back into his. His heat hits my back as my head tucks securely under his neck.

  “There a reason you’re touching my brother’s girl, Meadows?” Tarrant snaps out the words. He’s lethal, and he doesn’t need to say anything to prove that he is. It’s what he emits from both his body and his tone and Blondie… or Meadows gulps before shaking his head.

  My heart picks up its pace again. I feel so comfortable in his hands, against his body. He only came over to save me because I belong to his brother. I need to remember that. My body needs to remember that.

  Meadows holds his hands up. “I was only joking. You knew that right, darling?”

  “Laura,” Tarrant growls.

  “Yeah, Laura. We good?” Meadows eyes are fixed on Tarrant, but he makes no movement, no sound, nothing. Meadows quickly backs away, and within seconds he’s melted out of my sight.

  “You okay?” Tarrant asks leaning down so his mouth is next to my ear. I shiver, and I know he feels it as his fingers spasm on my hips.

  Not trusting myself, I nod.

  “Where’s Caden?” he snaps.

  “Um… he went outside with his friend, Henry.”

  “He left you?” Tarrant’s words lash out. Again, I feel it’s better to nod rather than say anything. “You want me to take you home?” His voice is softer now, gentle even.

  “I’m sure I can find a ride,” I offer because I don’t want to make him leave the party.

  Bullshit, I’m scared of being alone with him.

  I frown at my errant thoughts.

  “No. We’ll go find Caden, and if he wants to stay, then I can take you back to your dorm.

  I don’t reply as Tarrant grabs my hand sliding his fingers in between mine. I look down at his dark patterns against my milky white blank canvas.

  “I told him to go see his friend. He didn’t want to leave me,” I ramble as Tarrant pulls me through the crowd and people watch us.

  Tarrant glares back at me. “No matter how hard you pushed, he shouldn’t have fucking left you. Not here, not anywhere,” he growls, and I gulp shutting my mouth.

  “Caden. You want me to take Laura home?” he barks at his brother the minute the cold air hits my face. I can see we’re about ten feet from Caden and Henry and still moving nearer to them.

  Caden frowns then glances at our hands. I
pull my fingers from Tarrant, and he turns to look back at me, glaring down at our separated hands. Something works behind his eyes before he turns back to his brother.

  “You want to go?” Caden asks, his face awash with concern.

  I shrug but nod.

  “Come on then,” he replies dutifully.

  “I’m going anyway. I have somewhere else to be. You want me to drop her off?” Tarrant asks.

  I can see the hope in Caden’s eyes as he stares at me. “Do you want me to take you?” he asks.

  “That’s okay, you stay,” I tell Caden. “If you’re sure you don’t mind taking me?” I question Tarrant. He doesn’t answer me, just nods at his brother and grabs my hand again, this time without threading our fingers, and I whimper without meaning to at the loss of our entwined fingers. He says not one word until we reach his car. My legs turn to jelly as I stare at his shiny black beast.

  “This is your car?” I breathe out unable to stop myself.

  “You like her?” he asks raising an eyebrow.

  I nod and swallow my tongue, or at least that’s what it feels like. “She’s beautiful.” I grin.

  “Yeah,” he answers smiling at me.

  “But, I mean… Caden picked me up in your car, it was blue.”

  “I have more than one car,” he states matter-of-fact, and I widen my eyes. Tarrant chuckles at my reaction. “Come on, Lemon, get in,” he murmurs.

  Tarrant drives his car as if it’s an extension of himself, not like a machine that he sits in and controls with pedals and levers. His arms move, changing gears so smooth and fast that you’d have to concentrate to really see the jerk as he shifts from fourth to fifth. I find myself wondering what it would feel like if he used his hands on me.

  The muscles flexing along his forearm cause my imagination to run riot, thinking about him touching me. I can’t stop the hitch in my breath as my thoughts progress onto me touching him. I glance down into his lap. There’s a bulge, but it’s not from an erection, which makes me wonder, how big is his…?